the keitai and the blossoms

23 03 2013

the ketai and the blossoms

at a bridge over the Kanda river, where the cherry blossoms proliferate and swoon, it’s a great photo.
the backlighting is reflected from the screen of her keitai, onto her face and glasses.

heaven on my doorstep

4 05 2012


just riding around where I live, out in the wilds of West Tokyo. going a different way on the route to nowhere particular. and found this allotment, that boasts a gothic front gate, a bamboo grove, and piles of discarded cherry blossom, which after being rained on for a couple of days, takes on the appearance of soggy Weetabix. there’s a sense of order in this pile, just as everything else is ordered here. it has to be predictable. even nature. sad